Born as the son of Jan Laurensz. van der Vinne II (1699-1753) Vincent Jansz. became the first curator of Teylers Museum, Harlem in 1778 as stated in the testimony of Pieter Teylers. Vincent was taught by his father. Besides painting and drawing, Vincent Jansz. was active as an art dealer as well. Apart from the years 1778-1785 when he lived in the Teylers House, he lived all his life in the family house "Met de Vossenkop" (With the Foxhead).
[1] Ellen van den Berg, Haarlemse stadspoorten, Een serie tekeningen van Vincent Jansz. van der Vinne. In I.Q. van Regteren Altena, Miscelennia. Scheltema & Holkema, 1969. p. 162-163.